Thursday, December 24, 2009

Holiday Help for Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge Eating Sufferers

I suffered from bulima for 17 years and I know how hard the holidays are--physically, mentally, and realtionally. These are some things that have worked for me and others:

1. Spend the holidays with the people who love you—people who build you up and not tear you down. Share your observations. Help and encourage one another. [And if you love someone with an eating disorder, get in touch. Don’t let them spend this time alone.]

2. If you have to spend time with family members who trigger the worst in you, journal your thoughts and insights. One way to begin breaking down a wall is through journaling. Many have found writing helpful in coming to terms with the past, or processing fresh pain. Suggested entries: Thoughts and Emotions; Physical Sensations; What you did; What you could do next time.

3. Keep track of your goals before you head out to grandma's house—journal them. Write out and track your overall plans, nutrition plan and your thoughts about it.

4. Memorize Scripture. Write it on a card & carry it with you [or use a scripture memorization program like Memlok.]

5. Tis’ the season to be grateful: to gain perspective. Carla told me she’d write down 5 things each night that Ishe was thankful for... "helped me see that my focus on food/eating/starving/weight was really pointless, and to look at what I have that so many people don't have in this world. It helped get the focus off of ME (the eating disorder's focus on ME has really messed up my perspective)."

6. Check out my website: for lots of inspiration, Scripture and help.

7. For Christ-based help consider working through one of the books I’ve written:

· I’m Beautiful? Why Can’t I See It? Daily Encouragement to Promote Healthy Eating and Positive Self-Esteem
· I’m God’s Girl? Why Can’t I Feel It? Daily Biblical Encouragmeent to Defeat Depression & the Blues
· Breaking the Cover Girl Mask: Toss Out Toxic Thoughts

Merry Christmas!

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests." — Luke 2:13-14

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